Our mission is to make the art of approaching business simply enjoyable.

For over a decade: We’re making it possible by providing solutions, products and services that portray high degree of creativity and the on-demand innovations.

What We Do

Leveraging and making use of technology for accelerating productivity.

Abasasa has been organizing and magnifying talents to work on single project with passion, resilience, real acumen and professionalism. Our three major spheres of business include: ecommerce platforms, computer software and hardware innovations.


Opening local and global trade opportunities.

Abasasa.com is driven by the MARKET-enhancing character, making it possible for SMEs to export their goods and import advanced tools for productivity maximization. Including mining, food and agriculture, and many others.


Maximizing local business efficiency and profit.

Abasasa Dynamics refers to our software design and development labs where we use the SDLC and structure scalable software; such that it has a chance to grow with the growth of the business without having to re-adjust again.


Magics on complex ICT infrastructure projects.

 Abasasa Explore collaborates with accredited engineers for ICT infrastructure projects which play a critical role in driving economic growth, fostering innovation, improving quality of life, and addressing societal challenges.

Our values! Yes, our norms and core values stand as the key to success, helping us to build strong Company Culture and serve our customers better!

Our core norms and values include: Responsibility, Commitment, Teamwork and Time Management.

This is what makes Abasasa so special and seamlessly making customers happy.